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1.: Between Trent, Rome and Wittenberg |
H-05.-f-0142-(1) |
2018 |
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OʼMalley, John W. |
What happened and did not happen at the Council of Trent |
H-05.-f-0142-(1) |
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Geldhof, Joris |
Trent and the production of liturgical books in its aftermath |
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Popelyastyy, Vasyl |
The post-tridentine theology of the sacrament of penance on the basis of the Rituale Romanum (1614) |
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Campi, Emidio |
The Council of Trent and the magisterial reformers |
H-05.-f-0142-(1) |
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OʼMalley, John W. |
The Council of Trent and Vatican 2. / John W. O'Malley. |
H-05.-f-0142-(1) |
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Sachet, Paolo |
Privilege of Rome : the Catholic Churchs attempt to control the printed legacy of the Council of Trent |
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François, Wim |
450 years later : Louvains contribution to the ongoing historiography on the Council of Trent |
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François, Wim |
Trent and the Latin Vulgate : a Louvain project? |
H-05.-f-0142-(1) |
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Bireley, Robert |
The religious movements of the sixteenth century as responses to a changing world |
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Meloni, Federica |
Le rôle de la Sacrée Congrégation du Concile dans l'interprétation de la réforme tridentine |
H-05.-f-0142-(1) |
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Frank, Günter |
Melanchthon und das Konzil von Trient |
H-05.-f-0142-(1) |
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Agten, Els |
The Council of Trent and vernacular Bible reading : what happened in the build-up to and during the fourth session (1546)? |
H-05.-f-0142-(1) |
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Mazurek, Antoine |
Réforme tridentine et culte des saints en Espagne : liturgie romaine et saints ibériques |
H-05.-f-0142-(1) |
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Macdonald, Gerald J. |
Martin Chemnitz' Examen decretorum Concilii Tridentini (1566-1573) : a cornerstone in the construction of confessional Europe |
H-05.-f-0142-(1) |
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Russell, Camilla |
Dangerous friendships : Girolamo Seripando, Giulia Gonzaga, and the Spirituali in tridentine Italy |
H-05.-f-0142-(1) |
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Wassilowsky, Günther |
The myths of the Council of Trent and the construction of Catholic Confessional Culture |
H-05.-f-0142-(1) |
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