Nuova ricerca
(Elementi trovati: 11)
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2013 |
monografia |
The imperatives of Denunciatio : disclosing others sins to disciplinary authorities |
titolo analitico |
Imitating Inquisition : dialectical bias in protestant prison writings |
titolo analitico |
titolo analitico |
English provincial constitutions and Inquisition into Lollardy |
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titolo analitico |
Confession, Inquisition and exemplarity in The Erle of Tolous and other Middle English romances |
titolo analitico |
The contest over the public imagination of Inquisition, 1380-1430 |
titolo analitico |
Inquisition, public fame and confession : general rules and English practice |
titolo analitico |
"Vttrli Onknowe"? Modes of inquiry and the dynamics of interiority in vernacular literature |
titolo analitico |
titolo analitico |