(Elementi trovati: 15)
Visualizza documentiAutore | Titolo | Collocazione | Anno | Tipologia | Visualizza | ||
c1998 |
monografia |
Expansion and conflict: the rethoric of hebrew Bible citations in Galatians 3 |
titolo analitico |
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Family-like care and solidarity as pattern of social control in the ancient church |
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The Hellenistic Offentlichkeit: philosophy as a social force in the Greco-Roman world |
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titolo analitico |
Judaism, the circumcision of Gentiles, and apocalyptic hope: another look at Galatians 1. and 2. |
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titolo analitico |
Election, obedience, and eschatology: Deuteronomy 30:2-14 in Romans 9-11 and the writings of Philo |
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Once more : The Hellenists, Hebrews, and Stephen: conflicts and conflict-management in Acts 6. - 7. |
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Expansion and recruitment among hellenistic religions: the case of Mithraism |
titolo analitico |