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A lifelong dedication to the China mission : essays Presented in Honor of Father Jeroom Heyndrickx, CICM, on the occasion of his 75th Birthday and the 25th anniversary of the F. Verbiest Institute KU Leuven




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Rule, Paul A.

Why have missionaries got a bad name?


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Antonucci, Davor

An unpublished manuscript by Antoine Thomas : The "De Bello Cam Hi Imperatoris Tartaro: Sinici contra Tartaros Erutanos. Feliciter confecto anno 1697"


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Criveller, Gianni

Stefano Borgia's two memorials on the need to appoint chinese bishops (1787)


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Stary, Giovanni

Some preliminary linguistic remarks on the Manchu translation of Matteo Ricci's Tianzhu Shiyi


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Carbonneau, Robert

Journalist and priest : the participation of father Cormac Shanahan, C. P. in the 1944 press party to Yan'An, China, his experience with communist leaders and ministry to Yan'An catholics


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Defoort, Carine

"Persuasive definitions' of Li in the Zuo Zhuan


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Thevenet, Jacqueline

Voyage d'Armand David dans le centre et l'ouest de la Chine, 1868-1870


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Du, Dingke

The chinese texts in the latin account book (Changshu, 1674-1676) of Francois de Rougemont S.J. / Ad Dudink.


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Eggen, Wiel

Leibniz's reasoning on chinese rites


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Golvers, Noel

The mission and his concern about consolidation and continuity : Ferdinand Verbiest's astronomica and the pubblic relations of the China mission in the Last Decades of the Seventeenth Century


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Du, Dingke

The holy mass in seventeenth and eighteenth century in China : introduction to and annotated translation of Yu Misa gongcheng (1721), manual for attending mass


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Collani, Claudia : von

Parishes, priests and lay people christian communities as described in the neue welt-bott


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De_Ridder, Koen

Cicm missionary education in Gansu province during the late Qing and early republic


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Jami, Catherine

A discreet mathematician : Antoine Thomas (1644-1709) and his textbooks


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Leung, Cécile

Un cas de féminisme sino-européen à Shanghai (1867-1952)


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Rachewiltz, Igor : de

Heaven, earth and the mongols in the time of Cinggis Qan and his immediate successors (ca. 1160-1260) : a preliminary investigation


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Overmeire, Dirk : Van

In the footsteps of von Richthofen? : Raphael Verbrugge, C.I.C.M. (°1872, 1957) and his contribution to a physical geography of Mongolia


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Pan, Feng-Chuan

The interpretation and the re-interpretation of chinese philosophy : Longobardo and Leibniz


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Wiest, Jean Paul

The rise and fall of the first Aurora, 1842-1905


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