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Europe meets China, China meets Europe : the beginnings of European-Chinese scientific exchange in the 17th century : proceedings of the international and interdisciplinary symposium at the Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany, ...




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Chen, Hui-Hung

A Chinese treatise attributed to Xu Guangqi (1615) : how the Jesuits in China defined "sacred image"


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Brockey, Liam Matthew

From Coimbra to Beijing, via Madurai : Andre Palmeiro S.J. (1569-1635) in Maritime Asia


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Blue, Gregory

The multifaceted Xu Guangqi : a composite sketch based on the current Western Literature


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Deiwiks, Shu-Jyuan

Some cultural and psychological aspects of the trial of Johann Adam Schall before the Supreme Court of Peking : according to the secret Manchu Documents


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Collani, Claudia : von

Kangxi's Mandate of Heaven and Papal Authority


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Kuruppath, Manjusha

Caught in Confessional Crossfire : Representations of Johann Adam Schall von Bellin Dutch Sources in the 1660s


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Iannaccone, Isaia

The Challenge of Accommodation : The Case of Niklaas Trigault and Johannes Schreck-Terrentius


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