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Conrod, Frédéric

The romantic historian under Charles 10. : evaluating jesuit restoration in Charles Laumiers résumé de l'historie des jésuites


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Smith, Jeffrey Chipps

The jesuit artistic diaspora in Germany after 1773


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Prieto, Andrés I.

Jesuit tradition and the rise of South american nationalism


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Telesca, Ignacio

The first return of the jesuits to Paraguay


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Shore, Paul J.

Enduring the deluge : hungarian jesuit astronomeers from suppression to restoration


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Inglot, Marek

The society of Jesus in the russian empire (1772-1820) and the restoriation of the order


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Enyegue, Jean Luc

The jesuits in Fernando Po ( 1858-1872) : an incomplete mission


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Hsia, R. Po-chia

Jesuit survival and restoration in China


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Mkenda, Festo L. M.

Early departure, late return : an overview of jesuits in Africa during the suppression and after the restoration


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