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16: From the Fifth Century Onwards (Greek Writers) |
Cons.08-0021-(68) |
2013 |
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Bishop, Richard W. |
Cyril of Alexandria's Sermon on the Ascension (CPG 5281) |
Cons.08-0021-(68) |
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Rist, Josef |
Kirchenpolitik und/oder Bestechung : die *Geschenke des Kyrill von Alexandrien an den kaiserlichen Hof |
Cons.08-0021-(68) |
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Guiliano, Zachary M. |
The Cross in (Pseudo-)Dionysius : pinnacle and pit of revelation |
Cons.08-0021-(68) |
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Bucur, Bogdan Gabriel |
Exegesis and intertextuality in Anastasius the Sinaite's homily On the Transfiguration |
Cons.08-0021-(68) |
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Steineger, Joseph |
John of Damascus on the simplicity of God |
Cons.08-0021-(68) |
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Newheiser, David |
Eschatology and the Areopagite : interpreting the dionysian hierarchies in terms of time |
Cons.08-0021-(68) |
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Bevan, George A. |
Interpolations in the syriac translation of Nestorius' Liber Heraclidis |
Cons.08-0021-(68) |
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Crawford, Cyril K. |
"Receptive potency" (dektikē dynamis) in Ambigua ad Iohannem 20 of St Maximus the Confessor |
Cons.08-0021-(68) |
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Baranov, Vladimir |
Amphilochia 231 of Patriarch Photius as a possible source on the christology of the byzantine iconoclasts |
Cons.08-0021-(68) |
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Purpura, Ashley |
"Pseudo" Dionysius the Areopagite's Ecclesiastical Hierarchy : keeping the divine order and participating in divinity |
Cons.08-0021-(68) |
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Ables, Scott |
Did John of Damascus modify his sources in the Expositio fidei? |
Cons.08-0021-(68) |
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Bakker, Michael |
Willing in St Maximos' mystagogical habitat : bringing habits in line with One's logos |
Cons.08-0021-(68) |
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Parry, Ken |
"Rejoice for me, o desert" : *Fresh light on the remains of Nestorius in Egypt |
Cons.08-0021-(68) |
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Zaganas, Dimitrios |
Against Origen and/or origenists? : *Cyril of Alexandria's rejection of John the Baptist's angelic nature in his Commentary on John 1:6 |
Cons.08-0021-(68) |
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Loon, Hans : van |
The pelagian debate and Cyril of Alexandria's theology |
Cons.08-0021-(68) |
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Ivanovic, Filip |
Dionysius the Areopagite on justice |
Cons.08-0021-(68) |
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Alexopoulos, Theodoros |
The byzantine Filioque-supporters in the 13th century John Bekkos and Konstantin Melitiniotes and their relation with Augustine and Thomas Aquinas |
Cons.08-0021-(68) |
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Cattoi, Thomas |
An Evagrian hypóstasis? : *Leontios of Byzantium and the "composite subjectivity" of the Person of Christ |
Cons.08-0021-(68) |
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Vranic, Vasilije |
The Logos as theios sporos : the christology of the Expositio rectae fidei of Theodoret of Cyrrhus |
Cons.08-0021-(68) |
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(Elementi 1 - 20 di 40)