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Rigolio, Alberto

From "sacrifice to the gods" to the "fear of God" : omissions, additions and changes in the syriac translations of Plutarch, Lucian and Themistius


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Shemunkasho, Aho

Preliminaries to an edition of the hagiography of St Aho the Stranger


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Barbu, Liviu

Spiritual fatherhood in and outside the desert : an eastern orthodox perspective


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Lundhaug, Hugo

Origenism in fifth-century upper Egypt : Shenoute of Atripe and the Nag Hammadi codices


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Farag, Lois M.

Heroines not penitents : *saints of sex slavery in the Apophthegmata Patrum in roman law context


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Patteruparampil, Jobi

Regula fidei in Ephrem's Hymni de fide 67


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Penn, Michael Philip

Using computers to identify ancient scribal hands : a preliminary report


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Gordon, Octavian

Denominational translation of patristic texts into romanian : elements for a patristic translation theory


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Torrance, Alexis C.

The angel and the spirit of repentance : Hermas and the early monastic concept of metanoia


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Wolfe, B.N.

The skeireins : a neglected text


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