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Yamada, Nozomu

Pelagians', Chrysostom's and Augustine's different views on pain of childbirth as revealed through their counsel to women


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Laato, Anna Maria

Noah and the Flood in the Cento of Proba


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Ang, Beatrice Victoria

Examining John Chrysostom's ideal of the Ascetic Priest


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Molinié, Pierre

Hyphenation in John Chrysostom's Exegetical Homilies : a case study on the link between Exegesis and Parenesis taken from the Homilies on Philippians (CPG 4432)


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Bordino, Chiara

Epiphanius of Salamis and the cult of images


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Lai, Pak-Wah

Rhetoric and therapy in John Chrysostom's Trinitarian Discourse


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Brauch, Thomas

Spain and the Young Emperor Theodosius 1.


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Giulea, Andrei-Dragoş

Ousia and Physis in Eunomius' Trinitarian language of Apologia apologiae


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Tishel, Michael A.

"Suddenly we have become Saints and Sons" : the Centrality of the Sudden (Exaifnīs) in John Chrysostom's Homilies on Romans


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Acatrinei, Nicoleta

The Human Nature of Homo Oeconomicus : an anthropological investigation in the Homilies on the Gospel of Matthew by Saint John Chrysostom


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Redeker, Krystyna-Maria

Aspects of the "suffering servant" in the Commentaries on the Book of Isaiah by Jerome and Haimo of Auxerre


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McCann, Christine

Climbing Jacob's Ladder : St Jerome's use of Gen. 28:11-3 as a spiritual mentor


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Dusenbury, David Lloyd

The limits of punishment : a critique of (human-to-inhuman) Reincarnation in Nemesius of Emesa's De Natura Hominis


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