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Munnich, Olivier

Le texte lucianique d'Isaïe-Septante


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Evans, Trevor V.

Periphrastic tense forms in the Greek Tobit


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Knibb, Michael A

The text-critical value of the quotations from 1 Enoch in ethiopic writings


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Tov, Emanuel

The evaluation of the Greek Scripture translations in rabbinic sources


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Ausloos, Hans

"Your only son, your beloved one" (Genesis 22) : when Septuagint and Messianism meet


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Muraoka, Takamitsu

Why not a Morgenthaler for the Septuagint?


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Hiebert, Robert J. V.

Preparing a critical edition of IV Maccabees : the Syriac translation and Passio Sanctorum Machabaeorum as witnesses to the original Greek


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Bogaert, Pierre Maurice

Heshbon entre Moab et Ammon : la finale ajoutée à l'oracle sur Moab en Jr 48,45-47TM


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Cook, Johann

"Theological/ideological" Tendenz in the Septuagint - LXX Proverbs : a case study


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Eynde, Sabine van : den

Blessed by God - blessed be God : EYΛOΓEΩ and the concept of blessing in the LXX with special attention to the Book of Ruth


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Auwers, Jean-Marie

L' apport du texte long du Siracide au lexique du grec biblique


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Fabry, Heinz-Josef

Fehler, die es eigentlich nicht geben sollte : Anmerkungen zum Text des Griechischen Sirach


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Wong, Ka Leung

The prince of Tyre in the Masoretic and Septuagint texts of Ezekiel 28,1-10


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