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(Elementi 1 - 20 di 22)
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The New Testament text in early Christianity : proceedings of the Lille colloquium, July 2000 |
B-32.-b-0213 |
2003 |
monografia |
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Martin, Alain-Georges |
Le Palimpseste Syriaque du Sinaï et les variantes du papyrus P⁴⁵ |
B-32.-b-0213 |
titolo analitico |
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Lafleur, Didier |
Les relations, au sein du groupe "césaréen", entre le papyrus Chester Beatty (P⁴⁵) et la famille Ferrari (f¹³), dans l'Évangile de Marc |
B-32.-b-0213 |
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Beatrice, Pier Franco |
John 13, 1-10 and Romans 13, 1-7 in Irenaeus of Lyons : two test cases for New Testament textual criticism |
B-32.-b-0213 |
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Outtier, Bernard |
Deux fragments inédits de la première traduction géorgienne des Évangiles |
B-32.-b-0213 |
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Robinson, Maurice A. |
In search of the Alexandrian archetype : observations from a Byzantine-priority perspective |
B-32.-b-0213 |
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Rius-Camps, Josep |
Les obstacles mis a la mission de Paul par le Seigneur Jésus et le Saint-Esprit d'après les leçons du Codex de Bèze |
B-32.-b-0213 |
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Amphoux, Christian-Bernard |
Marc comme quatrième Évangile |
B-32.-b-0213 |
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Pickering, Stuart R. |
The Egerton Gospel and New Testament textual transmission |
B-32.-b-0213 |
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Elliott, James Keith |
The nature of the evidence available for reconstructing the text of the New Testament in the second century |
B-32.-b-0213 |
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Rodgers, Peter R. |
The text of the New Testament and its witnesses before 200 A. D. : observations on P⁹⁰ (P. Oxy. 3523) |
B-32.-b-0213 |
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Read Heimerdinger, Jenny |
Variation in the use of prepositions between Codex Bezae and the Alexandrian Uncials |
B-32.-b-0213 |
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Wachtel, Klaus |
Colwell revisited : grouping New Testament manuscripts |
B-32.-b-0213 |
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Haelewyck, Jean Claude |
La vetus latina de l'Évangile de Marc : les rapports entre les témoins manuscrits et les citations patristiques |
B-32.-b-0213 |
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Desreumaux, Alain |
Les types de texte de la version araméenne del 'Évangile de Marc |
B-32.-b-0213 |
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Amphoux, Christian-Bernard |
Vers la rédaction finale du Nouveau Testament |
B-32.-b-0213 |
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Baarda, Tjitze |
The Diatessaron of Tatian : source for an early text at Rome or source of textual corruption? |
B-32.-b-0213 |
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Amphoux, Christian-Bernard |
Une édition "plurielle" de Marc |
B-32.-b-0213 |
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Schmid, Ulrich |
How can we access second century Gospel texts? : the cases of Marcion and Tatian |
B-32.-b-0213 |
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Hendriks, Wim M. A. |
Variation textuelle dans l'Évangile selon Marc (illustrée par Mc 6,33) |
B-32.-b-0213 |
titolo analitico |
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(Elementi 1 - 20 di 22)