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John and the synoptics |
B-13.-e-346 |
1992 |
monografia |
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MENKEN, Maarten J. J. |
The quotations from Zech 9,9 in Mt 21,5 and in Jn 12,15. |
B-13.-e-346 |
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MERKEL, Helmut |
Frühchristliche Autoren über Johannes und die Synoptiker. |
B-13.-e-346 |
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VOUGA, François |
Le quatrième évangile comme interprète de la tradition synoptique: Jean 6. |
B-13.-e-346 |
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BUSSE, Ulrich |
Johannes und Lukas: Die Lazarusperikope Frucht eines Kommunikationsprozesses. |
B-13.-e-346 |
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MNHMONEYEIN. Das "sich-Erinnern" in der urchristlichen Überlieferung. Die Bethanienepisode Mk 14,3-9 / Jn 12,1) als Beispiel |
B-13.-e-346 |
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Le quatrème èvangile et les prédictions de la passion dans les èvangiles synoptiques. |
B-13.-e-346 |
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KONINGS, Johan |
The dialogue of Jesus, Philip and Andrew in John 6,5-9. |
B-13.-e-346 |
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Le quatrème èvangile et les prédictions de la passion dans les èvangiles synoptiques. |
B-13.-e-346 |
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Le quatrème èvangile et les prédictions de la passion dans les èvangiles synoptiques. |
B-13.-e-346 |
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Le quatrème èvangile et les prédictions de la passion dans les èvangiles synoptiques. |
B-13.-e-346 |
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LINDARS, Barnabas |
Rebuking the Spirit: a new analysis of the Lazarus story of John 11. |
B-13.-e-346 |
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CRAIG, William Lane |
The disciples' inspection of the empty tomb (Lk 24,12.24; Jn 20,2-10). |
B-13.-e-346 |
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DENAUX, Adelbert |
The Q-logion Mt 11,27 / Lk 10,22 and the gospel of John. |
B-13.-e-346 |
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THYEN, Hartwig |
Johannes und die Synoptiker: auf der Suche nach einem neuen Paradigma zur Beschreibung ihrer Beziehungen anhand von Beobachtungen an Passions und Ostererzählungen. |
B-13.-e-346 |
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Quest stories in John and the synoptics. |
B-13.-e-346 |
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L`heure de la crucifixion de Jésus selon Jean et les Synoptiques. Mc 15,25 par rapport à Jn 19,14-16. |
B-13.-e-346 |
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SABBE, Maurits |
The trial of Jesus before Pilate in John and its relation to the synoptic gospels. |
B-13.-e-346 |
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JONGE, Henk Jan de |
The loss of faith in the historicity of the gospels: H. S. Reimarus (ca 1750) on John and the synoptics. |
B-13.-e-346 |
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JONGE, Marinus de |
The radical eschatology of the fourth gospel and the eschatology of the synoptics. Some suggestions. |
B-13.-e-346 |
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(Elementi 1 - 20 di 43)