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Reading the Gospel of Mark in the Twenty-First Century : method and meaning




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Bourquin, Yvan

La passion chez Marc : théologie de la fragilité, fragilité de la théologie? : Marc 14-16: le silence du ciel et les silences du récit


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Valentin, Jean G.

Des traces de la vetus syra des évangiles en traduction arabe? : étude critique des variantes significatives en Mc 5,1-20 dans le Sinaï arabe 80


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Verheyden, Joseph

The reception history of the Gospel of Mark in the Early Church : adventuring in still largely unexplored territory


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Henderson, Ian H.

Thinking about Mark's historically designed audience(s)


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Intentionality and narrative worldmaking in the Gospel of Mark : rethinking narrative communication


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Broadhead, Edwin K.

Beyond the author : the Gospel of Mark as oeuvre mouvante (living tradition)


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Luttick, Janine

"Little girl, get up!" (and stand on your own two feet!) : re-thinking Mark 5,21-24.35-43


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Koch, Stefan

Der allwissende Erzähler und das Schweigegebot Jesu im Markusevangelium


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Scheffler, Eben

Having salt in order to live in peace : what can be said about Mark 9,48-50?


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Ó_Floinn, Gearard

Not "who?" but "how many?" : the role of Peter, James, and John, in Mark's Jairus Pericope (5,21-24.35-43)


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Malbon, Elizabeth Struthers

Jonah, Jesus, gentiles, and the sea : Markan narrative intersections


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Eschner, Christina

Jesus' table fellowship with tax collectors and sinners as therapy : the symposium tradition as the background of Mark 2,15-17


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Grappe, Christian

Le rapport, nouveau, à la pureté et à l'impureté dans l'évangile de Marc et les conséquences qui en résultent


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Kowalski, Beate

Generosity, courage and faith of women following Jesus in the Gospel of Mark


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Hübenthal, Sandra

Kollektives Gedächtnis, Kulturelle Rahmen und das Markusevangelium


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Bosenius, Bärbel

Satan oder Jesus - wer wohnt im Haus des Starken? : eine Annäherun an Mk 3,20-35 unter Berücksichtigung metaphorologischer, archäologischer und raumsemantischer Erkenntnisse


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O'Connell, Séamus

Beyond power : Jesus and the Spirit in Mark


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O'Brien, Kelli S.

Hints and fragments : the use of Scripture in Mark 1,2-3 and the Dead Sea Scrolls


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Wauters, Audrey

Ironie dramatique et constructions par enchâssement : le cas de Marc 14,53-72


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