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Ben Sira in conversation with traditions : a Festschrift for Prof. Núria Calduch-Benages on the occasion of her 65th birthday




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Wischmeyer, Oda

The book of Ben Sira from a reception- historical perspective : Hubert Frankemölle’s commentary on the letter of James


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Goff, Matthew J.

A devilish parallel : Sir 15,14 in its hebrew reception


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Estévez López, Elisa

Quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger (Jas 1,19 and Sir 5,11)


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Schmitz, Barbara

Path dependence and institutional change : the portrayal of Alcimus and Jonathan as high priests in 1 Maccabees


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Reif, Stefan C.

M. H. Segal (1875-1968) and his abiding interest in Ben Sira


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Paszko, Paweł

The metaphor of a woman giving birth : the book of Ben Sira in the light of prophetic literature


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Collins, John Joseph

The creation of humanity in hebrew wisdom literature of the Second Century BCE


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Macatangay, Francis M.

Jerusalem in the books of Tobit and Ben Sira


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Duggan, Michael W.

Wisdom in disguise and the heroism of widows : Ben Sira and judean traditions (Sir 4,1-19)


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Gregory, Bradley C

"Bread to the hungry and clothes to the naked" : a history of a prophetic- sapiential motif from Tobit to the syriac of Ben Sira


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Balla, Ibolya

Banquet of life in Ben Sira and Hosea : intertextual links between Sir 24,12-23 and Hos 14,5-10


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Ska, Jean-Louis

Torah, Paideia, and Sophia in Ben Sira


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Wright, Benjamin G.

"Do not defraud the life of the poor" : notes on the greek of Sir 4,1-10


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Forti, Tova L.

"Yet, no one remembered that poor man" : Qoheleth and Ben Sira on the wisdom of the poor


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Beentjes, Pancratius C.

Ben Sira's portrayal of Aaron and Phinehas (Sir 45,6-25) : an interaction between tradition and innovation


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Rotasperti, Sergio

Living with wild animals : a study of the imagery in Sir 25,15-16


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Reiterer, Friedrich V.

On the gifts of the Lord in Ben Sira


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Nguyen, Dinh Anh Nhue

Family ethos and wise behavior in Proverbs, Sirach, and vietnamese folk sayings


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Gilbert, Maurice

Reliability and gentleness : Moses, Jesus, and the disciple


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