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(Elementi trovati: 10)
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A farewell to the Yahwist? : the composition of the Pentateuch in recent European interpretation |
2006 |
monografia |
The yahwist and the redactional link between Genesis and Exodus |
titolo analitico |
The so-called Yahwist and the literary gap between Genesis and Exodus |
titolo analitico |
titolo analitico |
titolo analitico |
titolo analitico |
titolo analitico |
The literary connection between the books of Genesis and Exodus and the end of the book of Joshua |
titolo analitico |
The Jacob story and the beginning of the formation of the Pentateuch |
titolo analitico |
The report of the Yahwists demise has been greatly exaggerated |
titolo analitico |