COLLOCAZIONE | G-04.-g-0328 |
TITOLO | The Jesuit Collegium Sancti Francisci Xaverii in South Wales and the South-West of England and its links with the Low Countries, ca. 1600-1679 |
AUTORE | Whitehead, Maurice; |
PAGINE | [197]-211 p. |
TITOLO | The Jesuits of the low countries : identity and impact (1540-1773) : proceedings of the International Congress at the Faculty of Theology and Religious studies, Ku Leuven (3-5 december 2009) |
AUTORE | Faesen, Robert; Kenis, Leo; |
LUOGO | Leuven [etc.] |
EDITORE | Peeters |
ANNO | 2012 |
COLLEZIONE | Bibliotheca ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium; |
DESCRIZIONE FISICA | X, 295, [6] p. |
Documento per sola consultazione interna |